Clinical Nutrition
Clinical nutrition is the specialty that deals with nutrition following the model of psychobiological nutritional rehabilitation (relationship between behavior - emotions - food - biological reactions) using techniques that refer to cognitive-behavioral therapy and training familiarization with food.
It is suitable for anyone wishing to positively intervene on their eating behavior without upsetting their habits, optimizing nutrition in a context of a correct lifestyle to ensure that the changes obtained are then maintained over time . ​
The first visit of about 90 minutes is essential for framing the person's eating style, for defining the most suitable dietary approach and for identifying the appropriate nutritional path to correctly reach the established and shared weight goal.
The interview with the patient is structured as follows:
Family, physiological and pathological anamnesis;
Food history (History of weight, collection of eating habits, relationship with food and lifestyle of the patient with identification of critical points and aspects to be improved);
Body composition assessment by bioimpedance analysis (method that allows you to have information on fat mass, lean mass and body hydration status), anthropometric assessments (weight, height, BMI Body Mass Index, waist circumferences ), indicative calculation of the daily MB (Basal Metabolism) and DE (Energy Expenditure);
Definition of the therapeutic nutritional goal;
Choice of the dietary approach to follow based on the needs, habits and tastes of the patient.
The diet will be delivered later after a careful overall analysis of the collected data, with the aim of suggesting a food plan that is as personalized as possible and that follows the habits and needs of the patient.

Who do we turn to? ​
Healthy people of normal weight who want to improve their diet
Subjects in particular physiological conditions: fertile age, pregnancy, breastfeeding, pediatric age, senile age and menopause
People who are overweight, obese or underweight
Subjects with known pathological conditions: diabetes, hyperinsulinemia, fatty liver, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, hypothyroidism, osteoporosis, polycystic ovary syndrome
Subjects with gastrointestinal disorders: gastro-oesophageal reflux, gastritis, colitis, irritable bowel, constipation, diarrhea, diverticulitis, abdominal bloating, meteorism
Subjects with food allergies and / or intolerances
Vegetarian subjects
Nutrition in Pregnancy
The first 1000 days of life are crucial for a child: organs and systems are particularly sensitive to early stimuli or "insults" that can plan the future development and health conditions of the adult to come. Furthermore, as stated by the World Health Organization, in this period correct nutrition contributes to reducing the risk of developing chronic diseases.
Cognitive development is also of particular importance in the first 1000 days: 80% of the brain of an adult is formed, in fact, in the first 3 years. For this reason it is very important to offer the child a balanced diet in all the phases that characterize this period starting from concepimento (nutrition of the mother during pregnancy and her lifestyle will influence the health of the unborn child by 70% - epigenetic inheritance) to end in the breastfeeding phase, when the mother needs a correct qualitative and quantitative ratio valid to meet the demands of the newborn and the increased energy expenditure due to milk production.

in developmental age
A healthy and correct diet in the developmental age creates the optimal conditions for a harmonious development and good health in adulthood.
Breastfeeding is the most recommended, but if breast milk is not enough it is important to choose the right formula and absolutely avoid cow's milk at least until the first year of age.
The subsequent weaning phase is an extremely important time for the baby.
The theories are manifold, from the classical method that provides for a gradual and progressive insertion to others that suggest the theory of direct and immediate food insertion.
Assuming that weaning does not have to start before six months of life, it is important to be supported with studied advice for a correct setting of the food plan in order to protect organs such as the small intestine, liver, kidneys and pancreas. still reached their complete formation.
Starting from 1 year of life, the baby's nutrition becomes more and more similar to that of the adult. It must be varied and balanced, without salt and limiting sugars and must ensure the correct energy intake and the right quantities of proteins, vitamins and mineral salts.
The nutritionist takes care of:
Elaboration of powered plans for kindergartens, preschools and primary schools
Development of food plans that involve the whole family