The psychotherapist is a health professional authorized by his own professional order to carry out psychotherapy, following his own training model.
The main activities it carries out are consultation, diagnosis, support and psychotherapy, aimed at understanding the symptoms presented by the patient, researching their causes and meaning and starting a treatment path to address the underlying suffering.
Child psychotherapy
In childhood, the psychotherapist creates a meaningful relationship with the child and uses different techniques and methods to help children express their emotional world, without being invasive, but letting the contents emerge through play, drawing or stories.
It accompanies parents and children to give meaning to the problem brought and through the collection of family history, of the child's development path and of its contexts to which it belongs.
The psychotherapist helps to understand the discomfort manifested by the child and accompanies all family members to find the resources to elaborate nuclei of suffering and conflict and to find new strategies to feel good.
Quando rivolgersi allo psicologo?
When to contact the psychologist?
When the child shows malaise through outbursts of anger, sleep disturbances, enuresis / encopresis, anxiety, phobias, eating, depressive or psychosomatic symptoms.
The child's discomfort may arise concurrently with
a particularly stressful period (e.g. school passages),
conflicting family situations
separation of parents
problems in the school context
EMDR approach
EMDR ( Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing ) is considered one of the most effective approaches in the treatment of psychological trauma and post-traumatic stress.
Our brain has a natural propensity to elaborate and integrate the experience into our life, but sometimes this process does not happen because the experiences are so perturbing that their memories remain "frozen". The physical and somatic sensations related to the trauma are constantly relived, especially in the presence of a stimulus capable of triggering them (even many years after the initial event) ._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
In these cases, EMDR is fundamental because it promotes the integration of memories and traumatic sensations by enhancing the communication of the two cerebral hemispheres through bilateral ocular stimulation, to re-establish the correct excitatory and neuronal inhibitory balances. This allows the brain to process the memories of the traumatic event in its own experience and to favor the regulation of emotional states.
Disturbing memories lose their negative charge and change their meaning.
It decreases the intrusiveness of mental images and the intensity of somatic sensations related to the trauma, thus allowing a decrease in anxiety, hyperactivation and avoidance behaviors connected to the initial triggering stimulus.
Quali traumi per questo approccio?
What traumas for this approach? _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Relational traumas, linked to situations that are repeated over time
Trauma related to single episodes but within which we felt that our integrity or that of loved ones were in danger (eg: natural disaster, an accident, a violence suffered, etc. ..).