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Acupuncture is an ancient therapeutic methodology belonging to the corpus of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Used in China for several millennia, since the last century it has been known and successfully practiced in Western countries too. 

The numerous and prestigious scientific studies all over the world have allowed the WHO (World Health Organization) to recognize acupuncture as an effective medical act in a large number of pathologies such as osteoarticular, dermatological, genitourinary disorders, pathologies of the sphere psychic of various kinds, gastrointestinal, gynecological and reproductive pathologies.


It has now been shown that acupuncture points are skin areas particularly rich in nerve endings which, when appropriately stimulated, release some neurophysiological mediators, including endorphins, which regulate the psycho-neuro-endocrine-immune network called PNEI on which a optimal state of health.


The main feature of acupuncture is that it has no side effects or contraindications.

It is practiced with thin sterile and disposable needles that stimulate the points chosen on the basis of the diagnosis made and which must remain fixed for about 20'-30 '. It can be accompanied, if necessary, by moxibustion.


It is almost painless, but it is not recommended in small children due to a natural and spontaneous poor compliance with the treatment.


Normally a cycle of therapy lasts 6-10 sessions, to be customized according to the patient's problem.

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It deals with the diagnosis and treatment of a broad spectrum of acute and chronic disorders such as:

  • Headache

  • Allergy

  • Therapy of cervical, lumbar, single or multi-district pain

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Insomnia

  • Gynecological pathology (cycle, menopausal and reproductive disorders) and accompaniment in pre- and post-partum

  • Gastro-intestinal pathology (gastritis, colitis, dysbiosis)

  • Urogenital pathology


The disorders that can afflict women of all ages are:

  • Amenorrhea

  • Menstrual disturbances (menstrual rhythm irregularities, premenstrual syndrome, dysmenorrhea, spotting)

  • Polycystic ovary

  • Disorders of menopause

  • Problems of sterility and infertility, also as a support to medically assisted procreation

  • Urinary incontinence

  • Psychic disorders: anxiety, depression, mood instability


Acupuncture in pregnancy is useful, as a substitute for drugs, for:

  • Nausea during pregnancy

  • Pelvic and lumbar pain

  • Headache

  • Venous insufficiency of the lower limbs

  • Breech presentation of the fetus

  • Labor induction and pain control

  • Promote milk whipping

  • Anxiety and depression in pregnancy and post partum



Mesotherapy is an infiltrative technique which consists in injecting with micro-needles, subcutaneously or intradermally localized and at a distance, small quantities of drugs both in the points corresponding to the cutaneous projection of the organ that is the site of a pathological process and in those of acupuncture , favoring a release of the drug in the specific area over time.


When the cocktail to be injected consists of homeopathic or homotoxicological remedies, we speak of 'homeomesotherapy' which has the advantage, compared to mesotherapy with allopathic drugs, of not having side effects, of minimizing possible allergic reactions and of treating multiple pathologies at the same time.


A mesotherapy cycle provides a variable number and frequency of sessions ( usually up to 10 weekly ) based on the pathology and its severity.

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​ It is mainly indicated in the therapy of pain (neck pain, low back pain, shoulder periarthritis, traumatic outcomes) acute and chronic and in aesthetic medicine (cellulite).

Flower therapy

Flower therapy is a natural method that uses essences of flowers strictly in the wild to prevent and treat emotional problems, negative and disharmonious moods, conflicts and relational difficulties, psychological distress, physical ailments and psychosomatic illnesses.


It is a non-aggressive therapeutic system that neither suppresses nor fights the symptoms directly but, through the intake of 'concentrated' floral remedies of vibrational energy,   allows to activate the body's self-healing process , promoting the recovery of health and physical and mental well-being.


There are different types of flowers depending on their geographical origin.

Edward Bach, Welsh physician,   was the first to identify, in the early decades of the 20th century,   38 flowers and related essences for as many character disharmonies.

Later other floral species were introduced, so that today we also know the Italian, Himalayan, Alaskan, Californian and Australian flowers.


The most used, for ease of retrieval  and therapeutic application in a wide range of disorders of the psycho-somatic sphere, are Bach flowers and Australian flowers, which are _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ take sublingually, respectively,   4 gtt x 4 times a day  and 7 gtt x 2 times a day for one-two-month cycles.


There are no relative or absolute contraindications to flower therapy.


In very young children and in particular situations, for example in alcoholism, the hydro-alcoholic concentrate is replaced in the galenic preparation with marian water or apple cider vinegar solution.

It is indicated alone or in association with other disciplines of integrated medicine for emotional disorders in both acute and chronic such as:


  • Anxiety

  • Insomnia

  • Stress

  • Depression

  • Panic attacks

  • Food addictions

  • Stress

  • Chronic fatigue

  • 'Psycho-somatic' disorders in the absence of instrumentally ascertained pathology




Introduced in the 1930s starting from the fundamental laws of classical homeopathy, it has revisited its basic pillars and differs from them for a more 'modern' approach aimed at the physiopathological and biochemical mechanisms of triggering and healing of the disease, with particular reference to the system immune and connective tissue, a real battlefield in the body-homotoxin interaction, an exogenous or endogenous factor that disturbs the state of health.


The goal of homotoxicological treatment is to detoxify the organism through the support of the emunctorial organs (kidneys, skin, lung, liver, intestine) and possibly repair the damage caused by toxins through specific remedies which, properly diluted and homeopathized, act to enzymatic and immune level in order to activate the defensive systems still in reserve.


The treatment, which can be integrated with other energetic and natural methods, does not provide contraindications exactly like classical homeopathy with which it shares a possible 'homeopathic aggravation' during therapy which is short-lived and precedes an imminent improvement of symptoms.

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In addition to the most common acute and chronic-degenerative diseases of allopathic and functional interest, a wide area of application of homotoxicological treatment are recurrent allergic and / or infectious seasonal diseases, often supported by immune deficiency, and intestinal dysbiosis.


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